Sunday, June 12, 2011

Week 3 Recap

I have been feeling a bit non-bloggy this week, so the updates have been sparse at best.  Rather than bore you with whatever drivel spews from my fingertips I will just give you the results from week 3.  Here's hoping for a somewhat more verbose week four.

Week 3, Day 1 (3 Miles):

The weather early in the week was hot, so I did not get out for my first run until Thursday.  The good news, this is a step back week in my training so I get to slack let my muscles heal in preparation for week four.

Distance: 3.01 miles
Time: 24:49
Pace: 8:15

This is by far one of best 3 mile runs I have had in a very long time.  It was quite quick (for me), but the pace just felt... I dunno... right.

Week 3, Day 2 (5 miles):

My wife and I decided to take advantage of the anti-summer day and hit the trails again.  This time we split up and I went solo for the whole run.  Trail running is quite different from running the roads.  The constant elevation crescendos, roots threatening you at every step and the pure peace of a pedestrian only zone leads to a wholly different running experience.  It is almost possible to zen out when it just you and the chipmunks vying for a shared existence on nature's pathways.  Speed is far less important on these runs as you are never sure what Everest may await you when turn the corner and break through the treeline.  I think I could get used to this.  More trail running may be incorporated into this runner's training arsenal.

Distance: 5.42 miles
Time: 53:45
Pace: 9:55

Final Thought:

Two rabbits walk into a bar.  A third rabbit says,  "Why didn't you hop over it?"

Monday, June 6, 2011

Bring on the Heat

Week 2, Day 4 of Marathon Training (7 Miles)

Well, well, well it appears that summer is finally here.  I had a gentle reminder today why you DO NOT run at noon on 80+ degree days.  The heat sucks the life out of you!  The first few miles were okay-ish, but 4-7 my core temperature shot through the roof, muscle fatigue was in full effect and I was blinded by the salt-lick waterfall of sweat cascading into my eyes.  Lessons re-learned.  Run in the morning or run at night.  Do not run during the hottest part of the day.  My normal solution to this problem is to use a bubbler/water fountain as a personal bird bath to cool off.  That worked for about 15 seconds and then, BAM-O, back to sweat city.  The important part is, I did it.  Hopefully that counts for something.

Distance: 7.00 miles
Time: 1:08:44
Pace: 9:48

Final Thought:
May the summer sun melt away my winter weight.  May the summer sun bring color to my cheeks.  May the summer sun lay the hell off when I am running long on the weekends.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Cold, I Fear No Cold

Week 2, Day 3 of Marathon Training (3 Miles)

Should I be concerned that every time I type out the word marathon I always add a silent g at the end.  What the hell is a marathong???  Is it a specific type of undergarment worn underneath running clothes to avoid that dastardly and embarrassing VPL problem?  Perhaps it is a seedy ritual where the runner wears 26.2 pairs of underwear and discards a pair every mile.  God help the spectators at that finish line! I welcome your thoughts on this conundrum.
I have been battling a pretty nasty cold the last few days which put a damper on my Thursday running plans.  I ended up working 1/2 days Thursday and Friday and pretty much went with the 'imprint of my ass on the couch' approach to running both days.

However, today was a different story.  My wife and I successfully (hopefully) re-seeded about a 1/4 of our front lawn.  Unfortunately it was the 1/4 with mostly dirt not the 3/4 part which is a mix of weeds and crabgrass.  Sorry Neighbors... if it helps I know my lawn sucks.  At least I don't have a pink flamingo or the lady bending over with her bloomers showing sticking in the front lawn.  Take the small victories where you can get them.  I also managed to cut the grass do some weeding and some reeding reading.  I am currently re-reading Stephen King's The Shining  and I am finding it quite unputdownable.  Last time I read it I don't remember loving it quite this much.  I must be maturing :)

I also made up for lost time and went for 3-miles today.  It was a beautiful night and the run felt spectacular.  I am looking forward to the 7-miles I have planned for tomorrow.

Distance: 3.00 Miles
Time: 27:34
Pace: 9:11

Final Thought:  
Underwear is everywhere, but mostly underneath
-Barry Louis Polisar

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Week 2, Day 2: Road Rage

Today's morning run was full of excitement and peril.  For one, the lead was surgically removed from my legs last night leaving me with a sense of "light and fluffiness" during the entire 3 miles.  I suspect the rabbits had some remorse and decided to reverse their actions from the previous night.  Once again, I have no proof.  

Now for the exciting part... during mile 1 I was coming up to a slightly dangerous intersection, so I was cautious.  As expected, a car creeps up past the stop sign without even thinking of glancing to his right for a potential pedestrian who may just want to exercise their crazy right of street crossin'.  I opted to greet the kindly gentlemen by screaming "GOOD MORNING" through his slightly cracked open window.  Still oblivious.  He never even looked at me.  I pray for your soul you sad, sad human.

Now around mile 2ish I am coming up to a not-so-dangerous intersection and Methuselah comes driving down the street with her cell phone firmly attached to her right ear and her head facing completely to the left ( I am coming up the sidewalk to her right).  I watch as she proceeds through a stop sign where she may have slightly tapped on the brakes, maybe.  I applied my human brakes as I did not want to exercise my right to get tagged by a vehicle on a Wednesday Morning and decided I was tired of near misses for today.  I plant my face about 2mm from her passenger window and waited for that split second where she would inevitably glance to the right before turning.  She did.  I watched what I can only describe as the face one makes when they defecate themselves in an automobile.  I gave her my best WTF look and took off running again.  It was almost worth getting hit just for that moment of personal triumph.

Distance: 3.00 miles
Time: 26:10
Pace: 8:42

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Week 2, Day 1: Legs Like Lead

 I had a fantastic Memorial Day Weekend.  Summer finally arrived and my wife and I took a scenic drive through Northern Wisconsin.  The highlight of the entire trip was passing through the small town of "Spread Eagle, WI".  Man, did we get mileage out of the jokes while driving through that hamlet.  The icing on the cake was passing the Spread Eagle Pet Motel.  The only surprising thing was that we did not pass a single strip club, adult video outlet or erotic cake store.  Bummer!

Today I woke up in the Morning ready to rock it out.  Finally, 3 miles on a nice warm summerish day.  Bliss.  What I failed to observe in my slumber, was that at some point during the night my femur, fibula and tibia were coated in 45.63 kg of lead.  I suspect my pet rabbits, but I have no proof at this time.  Every step forward felt excruciatingly slow and heavy.  It took about 1.5 miles to shake it out and by then I was on the final 1.5 mile uphill climb home.  Not the best day, but at least it was only 3 miles.

Distance: 3.00 Miles
Time: 28:15
Pace: 9:24

Final Thought:

Attention domesticated animals of the world!  If you are looking for a good time stop by the Spread Eagle Pet Motel.  Money back guarantee if you are not 100% satisfied.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Week 1, Day 4: Owned

It was a good week.  First off, my legs are remembering how to run.  Always a good thing when training for an, ermmm, run!  I went for six miles this evening and everything felt good.  I mean everything.  Shoelaces=tied, Shorts=on, Heart Monitor=functional, Watch=Garminy and Knees=0 pain. 

Sometimes for distances of six miles or greater I like to drive down to the Milwaukee lakefront to run on a lot of uninterrupted sidewalk.  Today was not one of those days.  I ran a 6 mile loop around the neighborhood and it was not bad.  Only one near strangulation incident involving a leash and a guy walking two dogs occurred tonight.  A first for me!  Usually the near strangulation occurs with a single dog :)   To be fair, the guy did apologize for me having to pull off an impromptu limbo move under the leash to keep my momentum going.

Distance: 6.00 miles
Time: 55:53
Pace: 9:18

Final Thought:

Dear dog walkers,  Thank you for walking your pets.  You are doing yourself and the animal a great service.  Dear dog walkers,  get the f**k out of the way when someone is running at you.  Love, Nick.

Week 1, Day3: So Far, So Good

Short runs for this week are done!  I moved Thursday's run to after work in order to sleep in just a pinch longer than normal.  The important point is that I went out and did it.  I took the Sauconys out for a spin again to see if there was any correlation between knee pain and shoe.  I am happy to report that the run was much more comfortable than Tuesday; the shoes just have a different ride than my Adizeros.  As a precaution I have started my IT band stretching routine again.  I am a bit paranoid with my knee so this may come up as a common theme in my blog posts.  During my second marathon my IT band really began to bother me my last 4 weeks of training.  In truth, I probably should have cancelled my marathon plans for the year.  However, as a stubborn runner and human being I pushed through.  The first three miles were great and I limped from my 3-26.2.  Ouch!  I really, really, really, do not want to endure that again this year.

Distance: 3.00
Time: 27:33
Pace: 09:10

Final Thought:

After the long run this weekend,  I will have a perfect week of training.  That is something to be proud of.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Week 1, Day 2: Running in the Rain

I woke up this morning to the sound of the pitter-patter of little feet... on the roof.  Wonderful.  It is absolutely pouring and I have the added bonus of a 7AM meeting.  Not a good start to a Wednesday.  However, things did turn around for me.  The call ended after only 20 minutes (scheduled for an hour), so I thought I should be a good boy and run.  The rain volume waned a bit so I went for it.

Today's goal was to run the 3-miles at race pace.  As stated in previous posts, my target pace is 9:09 minutes/mile.  The wonderful thing about goals is that they serve more as a guidance.  To some 9:09 might equate to 9:15 to others... lets throw out a random value like, I dunno... 8:38.  I checked my Garmin frequently and I did try to slow down, but then the rain intensified and my pace followed suit.  The run was great, legs were good, knee not twingy and its fun to run fast (for me) sometimes.

Distance: 3.00
Time: 25:57
Pace: 8:38

Final Thought:

A marathon is just like running the mile... 26 times with a 385 yard cool down.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Week 1, Day 1: It Begins

The clock is ticking.  18-weeks of marathon training began today.  This weekend I decided to spoil myself and take a 5-mileish trail run.  This was a new experience... and an excuse to purchase a pair of trail running shoes.  After vacillating between multiple pairs I finally decided on the Adidas Adistar Ravens.  They are fairly light (for a trail shoe), but still offer a fair amount of cushion from those pesky rocks and rogue roots.  The run took about 54 minutes and it was a fun change from the monotony of the neighborhood roads.

Today, back to the monotony of the roads.  I took yet another pair of new shoes out for a test drive today.  While out and about shoe shopping I decided to treat myself to a pair of Saucony Mirages.  They are a fairly minimalist shoe with a smidge more cushion at the heel.  Also, extremely comfortable.  My knee did get a bit twingy at about mile 1.5, but that could have been a side effect of the trail run.  Jury is still out on that.

Conditions today were mid-50s with a fairly decent wind blowing from the East.  The good news, about a mile in I forgot I was cold and embraced the concrete beneath my feet (Note: the concrete was in fact beneath my shoes. I am not badass enough to join the barefoot movement).

Distance: 3.01 miles
Time: 28:06
Pace: 9:21

Final Thought:

What do you get when cross an elephant with a rhinoceros?  Elephant rhino sine theta
- Some math geek

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Week 0, Day 3: Where's the Beef

Today was the first day that I felt like I had been running consecutive days.  My legs were a bit on the stubborn side and it took a good mile before they loosened up.  Mile 2 was a lot better and my stride felt more "natural".  I am still having issues with pace consistency, but I am guessing that the long runs will teach me a lesson there.  I may venture out tonight for an easy 2-mile run before the longish 6-mile run this weekend.

On a non-running related note, lunch was interesting today.  About 8 of my co-workers and I  ventured out for a "mobile lunch"... or something like that.  Basically,  10 or so food trucks pull into a parking lot and peddle their foodie wares.  There was far more selection than I expected.  For the daring, there was a grilled cheese sandwich with caramelized onions, bbq sauce and macaroni and cheese.  I think it was called The Angioplasty Suprise or The WTF sandwich.  For the food fearful, there was the always-safe pizza cart.  Pizza looked pretty good, but after waiting in line for 20 minutes and watching the line move by one Wisconsin Cow every 2-3 minutes, I gave up (after confirming that a happy ending was not included in the $3.75 price tag).  I opted for a sloppy and delicious Italian beef sandwich.  It was awesome.

Stay tuned for the results from the weekend run.

Distance: 3.01 miles
Time: 28:01
Pace: 9:19

Final Thought: I saw a rabbit in the yard this morning.  He ran and so did I.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Week 0, Day 2: Good Morning

I may have cracked the code.  The probability of waking in time for your morning run is directly proportional to the hours of sleep achieved.  I went to bed at 10:30 PM and woke up sans the alarm at 5:00 AM.  If target waking time = w, bed time = and the direct proportionality constant = k then it serves that w=k*b.  In layman terms:  Go to bed early!

However, despite all the great morning JuJu, ma nature was not on my side.  I heard the rain pelting the roof as I slid into my clothes to embrace today's three miles.  I was very tempted to postpone my run to the evening, but I knew that was a recipe for failure.  Rain, I will not fear you.  And out the door I went.

I suffered through the same "slow down" issues that I encountered yesterday, but rather than fixate on it, I opted to fall into comfortable pace and enjoy the run (and the free shower).

Distance: 3.01
Time: 28:05
Pace: 9:20

Final Thought:  I do not want cows around my mid-section.  Ever.  -Wife

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Week 0, Day 1: Around the Corner

A beautiful sunrise crests over the trees as a runner strides East towards it's welcoming hands of light... is what a runner would say if they were up early enough to see the sunrise.  Me, well I was up by 7AM and out the door by about 7:10.

It is extremely challenging to hold back on your speed when going for an easy 3 miler.  I felt great, legs were loose and my heart rate was low.  I assumed I was holding a 10 min/mile pace until I looked down at my watch... 9:09.  Okay, no problem.  Ease up on the gas and slow it down.  Looked down... 8:57.  WTF.  Seriously, this time slooooooow doooooown.  Much better... 9:45.  Hold that thought.

There might actually be something to the philosophy of purposely maintaining a below race pace during training.  I finished my 3 miles with plenty of fuel left in the tank and a sense that I could have gone much further.  The goal for tomorrow (and Thursday)... rinse repeat, easy 3's until the 6-miler this weekend.

Next week is just around the corner and then the official 18-week training clock begins.  Fox Cities here I come... in 19-weeks.  See you there. kthxbai.

Distance: 3.01 miles
Time: 29:18
Pace: 9:43

Final Thoughts: You are only going to do as well as the effort you put into your training.  Short mileage may not be quite as important as going the distance, but the discipline required is the same.  Treat every run with the respect it deserves and you will be successful.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Training News

I have a bit of exciting news to share RE: My Training.  Turns out that according to this modern marvel of man called a "calendar", which I am told is used by some people to determine when events are scheduled, that my training doesn't in fact start until Monday the 23rd.  That gives me an entire extra week to slack get back into running shape before training begins.  How about that!  Now, some procrastinator-prone runner types might use this "bonus" week to relax before hitting it hard, but not I.  Oh no.  I will use this extra week to give Week 1 of training a trial run. 

I still need to determine a target completion time/pace for the race.  I am currently thinking of trying to hit 4 hours, but common sense tells me to wait until I at least tackle a 10-mile run in training before setting such a bold target.   Now I need to know... what does it take to achieve a 4 hour time?  Since you asked, it is 9:10.  That doesn't sound that bad.  From my computer.  While I am sitting on my ass.  Typing.

I leave you with this final note:  The goal for tomorrow is to wake up.  If the waking goes well, the running will follow.  I will take it easy tomorrow.  I am not trying to win a 5K.  I am training for a marathon.  I am training for a marathon.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Pre-Training: Day 2

So, woke up this morning at 5:30 AM and promptly turned off my alarm to allow myself more time to meditate on the success of my morning run.  Honestly,  I do my best motivational self-convincing while buried in blankets, eyes shut with a slight snore.  Ask anyone... I'm sure they will back me up on this :)

Stumbled out of the door around 6:40 AM and was greeted by 61 degrees of perfection.  @RaceDay: please take note of today's weather conditions.  Perfect!  I took an alternate route this morning, opting for some local bike trails and parks over city streets.  The route had less hills, less cars and only one stoplight to contend with.  This route will definitely make its way into the rotation over the coming weeks. 

Distance: 3.01 miles
Time: 26:21
Pace: 8:44

This is quite an improvement over yesterday!  I am sure it had nothing to do with the relatively flat course and my inability to slow down.  I am really going to have to watch it when the long runs hit or I am doomed.  I am going to try and pull back to a 9:30 for the 6 mile run this weekend, but if my body feels as good as it did today I am going to accept it and run at whatever pace feels right.

Naturally, I celebrated my successful two days of running  with a Guinness or two after work.  Next run is planned for Friday afternoon.  Vacation day from work = great time to sneak in an afternoon 3.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Pre-Training - Day 1:

Before I went to bed Monday night I had grand plans of getting up at 5:30 AM (note: not a morning person) strapping on my shoes and hitting the roads for my first 3 mile pre-training run.  SNOOZE!  Wait, that wasn't snooze I shut the alarm off.  F%$@!  Okay, wife's alarm went off at 6 AM.  She correctly applied the snooze button.  6:10 AM: Moving, a little.  Muscles twitching a bit, willing myself to rise.  Maybe I could run after work??? No, not an option.  10 minutes later, with my eyes half open, running clothes applied, shoes on... no wait, still need to add shoes and socks.  Ugh, this morning stuff is challenging.  Kudos to you morning people out there.

Around 6:30 AM I worked my way out the door and embraced this beautiful 56 degree morning.  Turned my iPod on to the audiobook du jour and knocked out my 3 miles.

Results (provided by my trusty Garmin)
Distance:  3.02 miles
Time: 27:44
Pace:  9:10

Overall, I am pleased with the time and I am looking forward to another 3 miles tomorrow.  Wish me luck with the second attempt at the 5:30 AM wake up call (did I mention the not a morning person thing).

Why Am I Doing This?

I decided to start this blog to chronicle my journey to complete my third marathon.  It has been two years since my last and I have not been terribly focused on running as of late.  This blog is for me; a means to be accountable to my training and to keep a journal of my progress.  The good and the bad.  Be forewarned, there will probably be a fair amount of bad.  Tears may be shed.  I could pull my hamstring two days before the race and the epic drama when that fatal moment is revealed will cause the masses to stir.  The blog-o-verse will come to a standstill for .000000008 nanoseconds as you all mourn for my injury.  Enough with the negativity.  Stay positive and all that good stuff!  Now on with the content...

My Stats:
Half Marathon PR - 1:53:27 (08:39)
Marathon PR - 4:58:29 (11:24) 

The plan for improvement this year... more training!  I am going to follow Hal Higdon's marathon training program and shoot for a time somewhere in the 4:30 range.  For those curious souls, Hal Higdon's training plans are freely available on the interweb at:  I will be following the novice training plan, since I am admittedly quite the novice.

The event this year is the Fox Cities Marathon. Race day is September 18th, 2011 and I will be ready this time. 

Real-time update: Just signed up.  It's official.