Sunday, June 12, 2011

Week 3 Recap

I have been feeling a bit non-bloggy this week, so the updates have been sparse at best.  Rather than bore you with whatever drivel spews from my fingertips I will just give you the results from week 3.  Here's hoping for a somewhat more verbose week four.

Week 3, Day 1 (3 Miles):

The weather early in the week was hot, so I did not get out for my first run until Thursday.  The good news, this is a step back week in my training so I get to slack let my muscles heal in preparation for week four.

Distance: 3.01 miles
Time: 24:49
Pace: 8:15

This is by far one of best 3 mile runs I have had in a very long time.  It was quite quick (for me), but the pace just felt... I dunno... right.

Week 3, Day 2 (5 miles):

My wife and I decided to take advantage of the anti-summer day and hit the trails again.  This time we split up and I went solo for the whole run.  Trail running is quite different from running the roads.  The constant elevation crescendos, roots threatening you at every step and the pure peace of a pedestrian only zone leads to a wholly different running experience.  It is almost possible to zen out when it just you and the chipmunks vying for a shared existence on nature's pathways.  Speed is far less important on these runs as you are never sure what Everest may await you when turn the corner and break through the treeline.  I think I could get used to this.  More trail running may be incorporated into this runner's training arsenal.

Distance: 5.42 miles
Time: 53:45
Pace: 9:55

Final Thought:

Two rabbits walk into a bar.  A third rabbit says,  "Why didn't you hop over it?"

Monday, June 6, 2011

Bring on the Heat

Week 2, Day 4 of Marathon Training (7 Miles)

Well, well, well it appears that summer is finally here.  I had a gentle reminder today why you DO NOT run at noon on 80+ degree days.  The heat sucks the life out of you!  The first few miles were okay-ish, but 4-7 my core temperature shot through the roof, muscle fatigue was in full effect and I was blinded by the salt-lick waterfall of sweat cascading into my eyes.  Lessons re-learned.  Run in the morning or run at night.  Do not run during the hottest part of the day.  My normal solution to this problem is to use a bubbler/water fountain as a personal bird bath to cool off.  That worked for about 15 seconds and then, BAM-O, back to sweat city.  The important part is, I did it.  Hopefully that counts for something.

Distance: 7.00 miles
Time: 1:08:44
Pace: 9:48

Final Thought:
May the summer sun melt away my winter weight.  May the summer sun bring color to my cheeks.  May the summer sun lay the hell off when I am running long on the weekends.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Cold, I Fear No Cold

Week 2, Day 3 of Marathon Training (3 Miles)

Should I be concerned that every time I type out the word marathon I always add a silent g at the end.  What the hell is a marathong???  Is it a specific type of undergarment worn underneath running clothes to avoid that dastardly and embarrassing VPL problem?  Perhaps it is a seedy ritual where the runner wears 26.2 pairs of underwear and discards a pair every mile.  God help the spectators at that finish line! I welcome your thoughts on this conundrum.
I have been battling a pretty nasty cold the last few days which put a damper on my Thursday running plans.  I ended up working 1/2 days Thursday and Friday and pretty much went with the 'imprint of my ass on the couch' approach to running both days.

However, today was a different story.  My wife and I successfully (hopefully) re-seeded about a 1/4 of our front lawn.  Unfortunately it was the 1/4 with mostly dirt not the 3/4 part which is a mix of weeds and crabgrass.  Sorry Neighbors... if it helps I know my lawn sucks.  At least I don't have a pink flamingo or the lady bending over with her bloomers showing sticking in the front lawn.  Take the small victories where you can get them.  I also managed to cut the grass do some weeding and some reeding reading.  I am currently re-reading Stephen King's The Shining  and I am finding it quite unputdownable.  Last time I read it I don't remember loving it quite this much.  I must be maturing :)

I also made up for lost time and went for 3-miles today.  It was a beautiful night and the run felt spectacular.  I am looking forward to the 7-miles I have planned for tomorrow.

Distance: 3.00 Miles
Time: 27:34
Pace: 9:11

Final Thought:  
Underwear is everywhere, but mostly underneath
-Barry Louis Polisar

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Week 2, Day 2: Road Rage

Today's morning run was full of excitement and peril.  For one, the lead was surgically removed from my legs last night leaving me with a sense of "light and fluffiness" during the entire 3 miles.  I suspect the rabbits had some remorse and decided to reverse their actions from the previous night.  Once again, I have no proof.  

Now for the exciting part... during mile 1 I was coming up to a slightly dangerous intersection, so I was cautious.  As expected, a car creeps up past the stop sign without even thinking of glancing to his right for a potential pedestrian who may just want to exercise their crazy right of street crossin'.  I opted to greet the kindly gentlemen by screaming "GOOD MORNING" through his slightly cracked open window.  Still oblivious.  He never even looked at me.  I pray for your soul you sad, sad human.

Now around mile 2ish I am coming up to a not-so-dangerous intersection and Methuselah comes driving down the street with her cell phone firmly attached to her right ear and her head facing completely to the left ( I am coming up the sidewalk to her right).  I watch as she proceeds through a stop sign where she may have slightly tapped on the brakes, maybe.  I applied my human brakes as I did not want to exercise my right to get tagged by a vehicle on a Wednesday Morning and decided I was tired of near misses for today.  I plant my face about 2mm from her passenger window and waited for that split second where she would inevitably glance to the right before turning.  She did.  I watched what I can only describe as the face one makes when they defecate themselves in an automobile.  I gave her my best WTF look and took off running again.  It was almost worth getting hit just for that moment of personal triumph.

Distance: 3.00 miles
Time: 26:10
Pace: 8:42