Thursday, May 19, 2011

Week 0, Day 3: Where's the Beef

Today was the first day that I felt like I had been running consecutive days.  My legs were a bit on the stubborn side and it took a good mile before they loosened up.  Mile 2 was a lot better and my stride felt more "natural".  I am still having issues with pace consistency, but I am guessing that the long runs will teach me a lesson there.  I may venture out tonight for an easy 2-mile run before the longish 6-mile run this weekend.

On a non-running related note, lunch was interesting today.  About 8 of my co-workers and I  ventured out for a "mobile lunch"... or something like that.  Basically,  10 or so food trucks pull into a parking lot and peddle their foodie wares.  There was far more selection than I expected.  For the daring, there was a grilled cheese sandwich with caramelized onions, bbq sauce and macaroni and cheese.  I think it was called The Angioplasty Suprise or The WTF sandwich.  For the food fearful, there was the always-safe pizza cart.  Pizza looked pretty good, but after waiting in line for 20 minutes and watching the line move by one Wisconsin Cow every 2-3 minutes, I gave up (after confirming that a happy ending was not included in the $3.75 price tag).  I opted for a sloppy and delicious Italian beef sandwich.  It was awesome.

Stay tuned for the results from the weekend run.

Distance: 3.01 miles
Time: 28:01
Pace: 9:19

Final Thought: I saw a rabbit in the yard this morning.  He ran and so did I.

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